Friday, April 13, 2018

Paperartsy & Jo-Fy @ Topflight Stamps

Hi bloggers, Barbara here again with my regular Friday post for  
This week I've used two sets of  Paperartsy stamps, designed by Jo Firth-Young (JoFy) - links at end
To start, I covered two pieces of watercolour card with Distress Oxides in a rainbow effect. Once these were dry, I splashed water droplets and white paint on top to give a bit of texture, then stamped and stencilled some small images.
I stamped the leaves on one piece of card with Versamark, and heat-embossed in white.
On the other piece of card, I stamped some flowers and leaves, then fussy-cut them.
These were all added to the base card with double-sided foam tape, along with a small sentiment.
I mounted the piece onto black card, to make the colours pop, then onto a white card base.
I added a few sequins, as usual.
I'm loving the Paperartsy stamps at the desk is covered with them 😀so I'll be using them a lot in the next few weeks.
Why not checkout the fabulous selection on the Topflight Stamps site....I'm sure you'll find something you love too.
Catch you all next week, enjoy your crafting
Barbara xx

Stamps used.......
JOFY 59 ( HERE )
JM 58 - ( HERE )

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